Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Destination: Grotto at Santa, Ilocos Sur

Destinations in every trip are important. Finding a good destination makes every thing worth the wait, the energy and the travel. I've posted this picture in my account at facebook and my friend was asking where it was. Truly, the view was spectacular. It was a grotto among the seas. But you can reach this place by foot. However, the journey may not be that easy. You may trip, fall or slide through rocks. The water you have to pass through is only a knee deep's measure even at high tide. But the rocks may scare you. You may be passing through rocks and water which gives a slippery combination. Removing your slippers might do the trick but then again maybe not. Your feet might ache after journeying through these rocks. You have to settle your feet and your every step between the rocks at the bottom. You may find fishes swimming through your feet which is lovely to see.
Yes, I tripped and almost crawled to my heart's content. My feet was aching but like anyone in the group we were trying to make the destination a goal. I was hesitant at first but they forced me to go on. We had no extra clothes on for swimming because everything that day was not planned. Every decision was as impulsive as a spur of the moment thought. I would joke around that at my pace I would go ten years to reach the destination. Everyone laughed. Someone tripped and had her bag wet. But I forced myself not to laugh. Why? It is because it may happen to me also. Such is my theory of things. Don't do unto others what you don't want others to do unto you.
We were never able to reach the grotto, we were scared of the tides. It was already dark but another group did get to it. They were from that place I think. They reached the destination pretty fast. But we're not giving up on our destination even though we reached only half way towards the grotto. We're coming back and we'll conquer it soon.
Here are our stolen shots of our adventure to the grotto at Santa, Ilocos Sur. From the highway, you won't miss a view of it.
I love my slippers: I was holding them! lol

A Journey Back

Dancing with the Waters???

Rocks, rocks and more rocks!!!

Figuring Out where to Step

Never Give Up Despite Getting Wet

The Sea Breeze, The Rocks and the Gang

More Rocks Coming Back... Hmmm...

Definitely not Sand: Small Rocks and Corals

Crawl if You Must (lol)
Looking for Something Beneath the Waters: Spot me in the picture... lol
We did turn our backs...
And they were Ahead of Us: Who Says I was the Only One Struggling?
Looking at a Group that Has Just Come in and reached the Grotto
Bye, bye Grotto!!! Until next time... lol

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